School Structure

The Cothill year groups are:


  • Year 3 - Threes (Day pupils only)
  • Year 4 - Fours
  • Year 5 - Fives


  • Year 6 - Sixes
  • Year 7 - Ms (Middle Removes)
  • Year 8 - Rs (Removes) or Leavers

Everyone belongs to a class which is looked after by a Form Tutor who meets with their pupils at the start of the day.


Each pupil is also a member of six 'Groups', the Cothill word for the houses. These are:








Cothill pupils always like feedback and this is powerfully given every Monday or Tuesday in the form of Weekly Reports. These brief written comments - made by each of their teachers - aim to be encouraging whenever possible and to reflect their effort in class and prep. 'Weeklies' are seen by the Headmaster, who awards points, on a scale of one to ten, and they are then made available in classrooms where parents can find them as well.

Points gained from the Weeklies, together with points derived from Merits, Distinctions, Good Marks and Group activities, all go towards earning prizes and bonuses, such as the much anticipated day out at the end of each term: the V-Badge Treat. Good Marks also reward pupils who show initiative and are kind and helpful.