Supporting Progress

Parents are invited to meet all their child's teachers each term at an Open House to discuss progress. Reports are provided at the end of every term. Parents are also welcome to contact the Head, their child's Form Teacher, House parent or the Matrons by email, at any time.

Our pupils are looked after by their form tutor, whom they see at the start of each day.  The Form Teacher encourages and assists our pupils in all aspects of school life, from achieving their academic and sporting goals to offering support and advice on relationships, current affairs and life skills.

Cothill boys like feedback and this is powerfully given every Monday or Tuesday in the form of Weekly Reports. These brief written comments - made by each of a boy's teachers -  aim to be encouraging whenever possible and to reflect a boy's effort in class and prep. 'Weeklies' are seen by the Headmaster, who awards points, on a scale of one to ten, and they are then made available in boys' classrooms where parents can see them too.

There are plenty of opportunities to visit the school to watch matches (most Wednesdays and Saturdays), plays and concerts, and it is worth noting that all our pupils will represent the school in a team each term, no matter what their ability. Match teas provide a good chance to chat with teachers more informally, as well as to meet families and friends.

Cothill's family ethos means that all the staff will know your child, and probably where they are at any given time, too. Since all the boarding House Parents teach (and may also take a sporting team), they gain a strong holistic understanding of the pupils in their care. The staff meet briefly every day, so any worries about a current pupil can be shared and swiftly addressed.

The Head meets with every pupil, every week, to discuss their learning and progress - a standout aspect of the Cothill education

Current Parent